Digilent Workshops: Analog Discovery 2 & Zybo Z7-10
Inicio 30-11-2017
Fin 01-12-2017

Presentación (In English Below):
Digilent (www.digilentinc.com), nos ofrece estos dos interesantes seminarios (Analog Discovery 2 y Zybo Z7-10) . El primero con prioridad a empresas y el segundo orientado al mundo académico. Igualemente se reservan plazas para ambos grupos (empresas y academicos) en ambos talleres. Ambos seminarios serán “Hand-On” utilizando laboratorios y placas de desarrolllo para las prácticas. Los talleres serán dictados en Inglés. Más abajo se puede ver la descripción de ambos eventos.
Digilent (www.digilentinc.con), gives us these two interesting seminars (Analog Discovery 2 and Zybo Z7-10). The first with priority for business Engineers and the second for the academic world. Likewise we reserve a small number of places for both groups in both workshops. Both seminars will be “Hand-On” using laboratories and development boards for the practices. The workshops will be taught in English. Below you can see the description of both events.
Descripción de los talleres / Worshops description:
- Analog Discovery 2 Workshop (download PDF). Description: In this workshop, we will discuss how affordable hardware can be used to learn not only the fundamentals of analog and digital circuits, but also system design and integration. We will describe how hands-on experiments can lead to a better understanding of STEM concepts incorporated into the exercises. Examples will be given on how these experiments can be introduced into courses outside of electrical and computer engineering.
** Attendees at the end of this workshop will receive a free Analog Discovery II kit!
** Los asistentes al final de este taller recibiran un kit gratuito Analog Discovery II
- Zybo Z7-10 hand on workshop (download PDF). The Zybo Z7 allows every participant to implement a real-time video processing platform and visualize the results in hardware. Zybo Z7 board from Digilent and the free WebPack version of Vivado HLS from Xilinx expose students to the newest technologies both in hardware and software. The examples will use VHDL and C++ language and will demonstrate HLS design flow, IP core usage, simulation and HW debugging.
The tentative agenda (for both workshops):
- 9.00 Welcome attendance by UAM representative
- 9.15-9.30 Digilent/TME introduction
- 9.30 Hands-on Workshop
- 10.30 Coffee break
- 11.00 Hands-on Workshop
- 12.30 Lunch
- 13.00 Hands-on Workshop
- Wrapp-up and Q&A
- 14.00 Workshop ends
Fechas / Dates:
- Analog Discovery 2: Jueves 30 de noviembre de 2017 / Thursday, 30 November, 2017
- Zybo Z7-10: Viernes 1 de diciembre de 2017 / Friday, 1 December, 2017
Lugar / Location:
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11
28049 MADRID
Puede ver como llegar (Aquí). You can see how to get here (here).
Pre-Inscripción / Pre-Registration:
[Evento finalizado]
Organizadores del evento / Event Organizer:
Digilent (www.digilentinc.com), TME (TRANSFER MULTISORT ELEKTRONIK SLU) distrbuidor de Digilent (www.tme.eu), colabora en la organización y logística la Escuela UAM-Electratrining (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) (www.electratraining.org)