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Digilent Workshop: Real Time Video Processing in Zybo Z7 with Vivado-HLS


Accelerate real-time high definition video processing designs with Digilent Zybo Z7, a Zynq-7000 AP SoC Platform and Xilinx Vivado HLS

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 Presentación (In English Below):

Digilent (, nos ofrece este interesante seminario  sobre Zybo Z7 orientado al mundo académico e industrial.
Los asistentes usarán tarjetas Digilent Zybo Z7 (una plataforma FPGA Xilinx Zynq SoC), PCAM (cámara de 5MP) y Xilinx Vivado HLx para implementar una aplicación de procesamiento de video de alta definición en tiempo real.
Los ejemplos de los materiales del taller se basan en el lenguaje de programación de alto nivel (C ++) y el lenguaje de descripción de hardware (VHDL). Se mostrarán el flujo de diseño de HLS, el uso del núcleo (cores) IP, la simulación y la depuración de hardware.

El taller será dictado en Inglés. Más abajo se puede ver la descripción del evento.

Digilent donará la Cámara Color Pcam 5C a cada asistente que se presentará en este taller.Resultado de imagen de pcam 5c digilent


Digilent (, gives us this  interesting seminar  Zybo Z7 for the academic and industrial world.

The workshop aligns with Digilent’s mission of providing a hands-on, project-based, open-ended approach to education. Attendees will use Digilent Zybo Z7 (a Xilinx Zynq SoC FPGA platform), PCAM (5MP camera sensor) and Xilinx Vivado HLx to implement a real-time high definition video processing application.
Examples in the workshop materials are based on both high-level programming language (C++) and hardware description language (VHDL). Trainers will demonstrate HLS design flow, IP core usage, simulation and hardware debugging. Participants will leave the workshop with instructional materials and PCAM, 5MP camera sensor so that they can easily adopt this innovative technique in their own courses and projects.

Digilent will donate the Color Camera Pcam 5C to every attendant which will show-up at this workshop.

Descripción del taller / Worshop description

Zybo Z7-10 hand on workshop (download PDF).  The Zybo Z7 allows every participant to implement a real-time video processing platform and visualize the results in hardware. Zybo Z7 board from Digilent and the free WebPack version of Vivado HLS from Xilinx expose students to the newest technologies both in hardware and software. The examples will use VHDL and C++ language and will demonstrate HLS design flow, IP core usage, simulation and HW debugging.

The tentative agenda:

  • 9.00 Welcome attendance by UAM-Electratraining representative
  • 9.15-9.30 Digilent introduction
  • 9.30 Hands-on Workshop
  • 10.30 Coffee break
  • 11.00 Hands-on Workshop
  • 12.30 Lunch
  • 13.00 Hands-on Workshop
  • Wrapp-up and Q&A
  • 14.00 Workshop ends

Fechas / Dates:

  • Martes 6 de noviembre de 2018 / Tuesday, 6 November, 2018

Lugar / Location:

Escuela Politécnica Superior
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11
28049 MADRID

Puede ver como llegar (Aquí). You can see how to get here (here).

Presentador / Speaker:

Sergiu Arpadi is an enthusiastic Digital Design Engineer with experience in Xilinx FPGA technologies and embedded software development. Currently, he works at the Romanian branch of Digilent Inc., a leading electrical engineering products company serving students and universities with education design tools.

Pre-Inscripción / Pre-Registration:

[Evento finalizado]

Organizadores del evento / Event Organizer:

Digilent (, colabora en la organización y logística la Escuela UAM-Electratraining (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) (


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