Del 02-06-2021 al 03-06-2021

Diseño con FPGAs de Xilinx con Vivado: Temporización y Depuración – Incompany

Diseño con FPGAs de Xilinx con Vivado: Temporización y depuración

El objetivo de este training es dotar de los conocimientos necesarios para desarrollar sistemas basados dispositivos FPGAs eficientemente. Especial hincapié en los aspectos de temprización (timing) y la depuración en chip (debugging).

Temario de la formación:

1. FPGA Architecture
•    Introduction to modern FPGA Architecture.
•    Special emphasis in Aerospace devices Kintex KU40, KU60 FPGAs.

2. Vivado Tool
•    Vivado Design Suite I/O Pin Planning layout to perform pin assignments in a design.
•    Vivado IP Flow: Customize IP, instantiate IP, and verify the hierarchy of your design IP.
•    Creating and Packaging Custom IP: Create your own IP and package and include it in the Vivado IP catalog.
•    Using an IP Container: Use a core container file as a single file representation for an IP.
•    Designing with the IP Integrator: Use the Vivado IP integrator to create a subsystem.

3. Timing Issues, Synchronous Design and Design Constrains
•    Timing model and Static Timing Analysis (STA) in Xilinx FPGAs
•    Introduction to Clock Constraints: Apply clock constraints and perform timing analysis.
•    Generated Clocks: Use the report clock networks report to determine if there are any generated clocks in a design.
•    I/O Constraints and Virtual Clocks: Apply I/O constraints and perform timing analysis.
•    Timing Constraints Wizard
•    Synchronous Design Techniques in an FPGA design.
•    Vivado Timing Reports: Generate and use Vivado timing reports to analyze failed timing paths.
•    Setup and Hold TimingAnalysis: Understand setup and hold timing analysis.
•    Timing Constraints Editor: Introduces the specific editor tool to create timing constraints.
•    Report Clock Networks: In order to view the primary and generated clocks in a design.
•    Timing Summary Report: Use the post implementation timing summary report to signoff criteria for timing closure.
•    Clock Group Constraints: Apply clock group constraints for asynchronous clock domains.
•    Introduction to Timing Exceptions: Applying them to fine tune design timing.

4. Debugging: Simulation and Logic Analyzer, Power Estimation
•    Use of external simulator. Examples with Mentor Model/QuestaSim
•    Introduction to the Vivado Logic Analyzer: Overview of the Vivado
•    Logic analyzer (former Chipscope) for debugging a design.
•    Introduction to Triggering, Debug Cores
•    Understand how the debug hub core is used to connect debug cores in a design.
•    HDL Instantiation Debug Probing Flow
•    Covers the HDL instantiation flow to create and instantiate a VIO core and observe its  behavior using the Vivado logic analyzer.
•    Xilinx Power Estimator Spreadsheet: Estimate the amount of resources and default activity rates for a design and evaluate the estimated power calculated by XPE.
•    Power Analysis and Optimization Using the Vivado Design Suite

Formato de del curso:

El curso es teórico-práctico con una fuerte carga de ejercicios. Exclusivo para Thales Alenia Space.


Miércoles 2 y jueves 3 de junio de 2021 de 9 a 18h.

Lugar de realización:

Escuela Politécnica Superior
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11
28049 MADRID

Puede ver como llegar (Aquí).